6-7 Jun 2008
Beograd, Hotel Holiday Inn
Sastanak androloga u Beogradu

The Meeting is accredited within
the EU-ACME programme by
the European Board of Urology
with 3 European CME credit points.
Chairmen: S.Mićić, B.Pajović
Program |

Ass.dr Dj.Nale, Belgrade, Serbia |

Ass.dr N.Bojanic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Doc.dr B.Pajovic, Podgorica, Montenegro |

Doc.dr D.Perovic, Podgorica, Montenegro |

Doc.dr J.Slowikowska-Hilczer, Lodz, Poland |

Doc.dr J.Stankovic, Nis, Serbia |

Prof.dr A.Stavridis, Skopje, Makedonija and Doc.dr V.Vukotic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Doc.dr V.Vukotic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Dr D.Djordjevic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Dr K.Hatzimouratidis, Thessaloniki, Greece |

Dr O.Durutovic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Dr P.Nikic, Belgrade, Serbia |

G.Arizanovic, Belgrade and Prof.dr S.Micic, Belgrade |

During of the exibition: authors, S.Vuksanovic and A.Stamenkovic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Prof.dr K.Kula, Lodz, Poland |

Mr.Ph. N.Lalic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Chairmen |

Chairmen |

Chairmen |

Dr G.Jakiel, Lublin, Poland |

Prof.dr C.Tulic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Prof.dr G.Marusic, Novi Sad, Serbia |

Prof.dr K.Kula, Lodz, Poland |

Prof.dr J.Bjorndahl, Stocholm, Sweden |

Prof.dr M.Boiko, Kiev, Ukraine |

Prof.M.Micic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Prof.dr R.Angelopoulou, Athens, Greece |

Prof.dr S.Micic, Belgrade, Serbia |

Prof.dr R.Angelopoulou, Athens, Greece and Dr K.Hatzimouratidis, Thessaloniki, Greece |

Prof.dr J.Bjorndahl, Stocholm, Sweden and Prof.dr R.Angelopoulou, Athens, Greece |

Dr S.Zerelli, Ultrecht, the Netherlands |