EAUUROonco: A meeting steered by theEAU Section of Oncological Urology (ESOU)
20– 22 June 2024
Steeredby the EAU Section of Oncological Urology (ESOU), this extensive three-dayevent will bring together a broad network of experts from various uro-oncology fields to discuss fourmajor oncological topics. The primary objective is to collaborate andfacilitate the exchange of the most recent evidence related to prostate,urothelial and renal cancer, as well as rare tumours.
Wegreatly appreciate your help spreading the news. By featuring UROonco24 on yourevent calendars, posting our banners on your website and supporting us onsocial media you are helping us grow the uro-oncology community even further.Our dedicated hashtag for the meeting is #UROonco24.
Meetinghome page: https://meeting.uroonco.uroweb.org/
Registrationpage: https://meeting.uroonco.uroweb.org/how-to-register/